Wilbur by the sea…

Wilbur by the sea:


Finally, it’s time to pull up stakes, untie, and get out of Dodge. The weather during the first several weeks in Marineland was cold and windy.  Not many folks shuffling around.  After spring had sprung the second week of February the beaches starting to accept sunbathers, fisherman, and those in search of precious metals like Louis Vuitton sunglasses or an Iphone X.  I did ask one guy if he has ever found any Bitcoin with his metal detector.  No comment.  With all the people out and about, it’s time to move it down the line.

The plan is to head south to the Keys.  Day one of hopefully eight has Island Hopp’n heading for New Smyrna.  This is somewhat familiar turf.  After spending four months in Daytona Beach last summer we had a decent idea how far we can get on a weekday.

During the summer, Coquina Marina had about 30 boats on the fixed wooden docks.  The quick run- down on the marina.  This was the old yacht club, so it had about fifty slips, a huge ballroom, pool, and fitness room.  They have an ice machine in the laundry room.  All the ice you wanted.  Irma did a number on Coquina and I was quite interested to see how the rebuild was coming along.  With binoculars in hand I saw well, nothing when passing by.  All the docks have been removed and no signs of rebuilding.  It looked like they turned a marina into a wedding venue.

With about 20 miles to New Smyrna we pulled off short in Wilbur by Sea, Florida.  Adventure Harbor is a small out of the way marina between the busy Daytona Beach area and tourist hot spot off Ponce Inlet with a hopping little restaurant, Boondocks.  This is in the bustling town of Wilbur by the Sea.

One night on the dock and we are off and running.  It’s good to be back on the move.

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